Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.




Welcome to North Lincoln Water and Sanitation District

Welcome to the North Lincoln Water and Sanitation District ("the District") website. You will find valuable information about the District, the services it provides, and links and resources to useful information.


Emergency Response

In the event of a watermain break or a sewer backup, please call (303) 834-2843.

NOTE: The District is responsible for maintenance and operation of the water distribution and wastewater collection mains. The home owner is responsible for their service lines from the corporation stop that is attached to the Districts' main to their home.

Payment Update

Debido al impacto del virus COVID-19 en nuestra comunidad, La Mesa Directiva de NLWSD desea solicitar que todos sus usuarios utilicen los servicios de pago en línea para hacer su pago antes de la fecha de vencimiento. Gracias por su cooperación y paciencia.

Due to the COVID-19 impact in our community,  NLWSD Board of Directors would like to request all customers use the online payment services to pay bill by the invoice due date. Thank you for your cooperation, patience and understanding.


September 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday